Laboratorio de dibujo/Gesture drawing laboratory
Laboratorio de dibujo is created and directed by Roberto Silva and Elena Bylund. It is an area in wich performing art and fine art meet and create each one from their own material and tools nourished from each other. Our productions "Ofelia" and "Ofelia Interrumpida" is created with this methodology as a base.
Our core of research working as models/actors is the intersection of theatre, dance and meditation, we improvise from our own emotional state of beeing investigating the organic movement of our body, weights, motors, balance, collapse, walks, silences, environments, inmobility and stillness. Working from various topics such as textures, colors, sounds, incorporating objects, music, etc.
In the appearance of the fine art artists the proposal is to break with the clasical nude model and present a different approach: the gesture drawing does not only involve the physical movement, but also a deeper concept of essential identity, searching for what is inside of the movement, the origin of the gesture.
"I collect the emotional substance of a movement. Finding the sound inside the form. Arranging it through plastic solutions and capturing the energy of the moment, fragile, unique amd unrepeateble. It is to go beyond the action of a movement, gesture and try to get to their deepest identity." R. S